Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Radiohead - The Bends

Planet Telex - 3
The Bends - 4
High And Dry - 4
Fake Plastic Trees - 3
Bones - 3
(Nice Dream) - 4
Just - 4
My Iron Lung - 3
Bullet Proof... I Wish I Was - 3
Black Star - 3
Sulk - 3
Street Spirit (Fade Out) - 4
Total - 41 stars / 12 tracks = 3.42 stars

2009 Bonus Disc

The Trickster - 4
Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong - 3
Lozenge Of Love - 3
Lewis (Mistreated) - 4
Permanent Daylight - 3
You Never Wash Up After Yourself - 4
Maquiladora - 4
Killer Cars - 3
India Rubber - 3
How Can You Be Sure? - 3
Fake Plastic Trees (Acoustic) - 3
Bullet Proof... I Wish I Was (Acoustic) - 3
Street Spirit (Fade Out) (Acoustic) - 4
Talk Show Host - 3
Bishop's Robes - 3
Banana Co. - 3
Molasses - 3
Just - 4
Maquiladora - 4
Street Spirit (Fade Out) - 4
Bones - 4
Total - 113 stars / 33 tracks = 3.42 stars

I think I was trying to like The Bends because I'm supposed to. In most cases, I felt pretty ambivalent toward the experience, with the 4-stars ending up being caused by catching a glimpse of what everyone else seems to see. Let's take a closer look.

"The Bends" has an infectious beat but becomes melodically wonky.

"High And Dry" is one of the few Radiohead songs I had heard before. It's accessible, and catchy, although the "it's the best thing that you ever had... the best thing that you ever, ever had" seemed childish.

"(Nice Dream)" is pretty before descending (effectively) into a kind of ambient chaos.

"Just" has a simple, but not unengaging chorus, and the tremolo-y effect in the mini-bridge and outtro is well-placed, wrapping up the song nicely.

"Street Spirit (Fade Out)" could have easily been a boring flop, but everything in it clicks. From the well-chosen and varied instrumentation, to Thom Yorke's ironic swelling vocals during the chorus, this song is probably my favourite on the album.

The bonus disc includes different songs, as well as acoustic versions, and BBC Studio versions of various tracks. The best non-repeat is "Maquiladora," whose riff sounds like a slowed down "Blister In The Sun."

Much of the 3-star stuff on the second disc sounds unsuccessfully experimental, although credit is certainly due for trying to maintain variety in their sound.

1 comment:

  1. The Bends never really did it for me. There are parts of it I like, and I listened to it many times in quick succession awhile back to see if it would grow on me, and while it did, it still left me feeling somewhat unsatisfied.
