Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Don't You Fake It

In Fate's Hands - 3
Waiting - 3
False Pretense - 3
Face Down - 3
Misery Loves Its Company - 3
Cat And Mouse - 3
Damn Regret - 3
Atrophy - 3
Seventeen Ain't So Sweet - 2
Justify - 3
Your Guardian Angel - 3
Grim Goodbye - 3
Total - 35 stars / 12 tracks = 2.92 stars

Pop punk in general suffers from the difficulty of creating an original, memorable sound. The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus sounds like decent pop punk music, which, as a rule, doesn't really mean all that much. It's been a few days since I listened to the album and there are only two songs that I remember.

"Face Down" gets credit for tackling a heavy issue in its discussion of domestic abuse. Unfortunately, the song also comes with some of the album's most noticeably contrived, weak lyricism. Its rhyming is forced and distracting from what should be a good song.

The other, "Seventeen Ain't So Sweet," is a lot like the other tracks, except that it doesn't have enough mediocrity to redeem it. Without a good hook or a memorable line, this song no longer sounds like most other pop punk; it sounds like bad pop punk.

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