Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday, March 5th, 2010

Howdy guys,

Unfortunately, my recent streak of posting at least one review/day is on hiatus. After working a closing shift, with the knowledge of an opener tomorrow, all I had time for this evening was a bowl of Alphagetti, a Bud Light with Lime, and a tiny amount of quality time with the fiancee.

In terms of what's coming soon, I finished listening to Blur's The Great Escape today, so hopefully I'll find some time to throw that review up tomorrow. I've also started listening to Radiohead's Hail To The Thief, and after two tracks, I'm really liking what I've heard so far. This is also opening weekend for Alice In Wonderland, which I imagine I'll be going to see soon, hopefully no later than Monday. And, as usual, you will be the first to know what I thought of it.


  1. Bud light with lime?

    Are you going to go get your bikini line waxed too?

  2. I am just kidding of course

    Drink canadian
