Monday, May 10, 2010

R.E.M. - Monster

What's The Frequency, Kenneth? - 3
Crush With Eyeliner - 3
King Of Comedy - 3
I Don't Sleep, I Dream - 3
Star 69 - 3
Strange Currencies - 3
Tongue - 3
Bang And Blame - 3
I Took Your Name - 3
Let Me In - 3
Circus Envy - 3
You - 4
Total - 37 stars / 12 tracks = 3.08 stars, normalized to 2.9 stars

There is a distinct possibility that there is something wrong with me. I say this because, like The Velvet Underground, I don't really like R.E.M. Sure, Automatic For The People was great, but the only track that I thought was in any way remarkable on this album was the final one, "You." Aside from this psychadelic outro, the album is a collection of unengaging tracks. While I can appreciate wanting to change their sound after following up Automatic, it helps the recreation if you make great music while doing it.

I am also willing to accept the fact that I am insane and just don't get it.

1 comment:

  1. For my personal tastes, I'd give Monster a 3 or 3.5, to be honest. I think REM's best albums are Life's Rich Pageant and Fables of the Reconstruction. Automatic for the People is pretty sweet too.
