Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti

Custard Pie - 3
The Rover - 4
In My Time Of Lying - 3
Houses Of The Holy - 4
Trampled Under Foot - 4
Kashmir - 4
In The Light - 3
Bron-Yr-Aur - 4
Down By The Seaside - 3
Ten Years Gone - 4
Night Flight - 4
The Wanton Song - 4
Boogie With Stu - 4
Black Country Woman - 3
Sick Again - 3

Total - 54 stars / 15 tracks = 3.60 stars


A few words on my experiences with Led Zeppelin. For a long time, I have considered myself a huge poseur when it comes to music. Big example of this: up until this July that just passed, I had never listened to a Led Zeppelin album. Part of the reason: I had just never crossed paths with one. Another big part of the reason: I know that you are supposed to love Led Zeppelin. Walking through a crowded street, probably about 30% of the T-Shirts that you would see would have a Zeppelin logo on it. (Side note: 50% would say something infinitely clever like "I'm Up, What More Do You Want?" or "Gimme My Timmie's And No One Gets Hurt", the other 20% is Tapout shirts). So then what if I listened to an album and didn't like them? It would outright prove that I have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to music, and I didn't want to be exposed like that.

Having said that, since that fateful day in July I have now listened to seven Led Zeppelin albums, and I'd say they're pretty good. Generally it's the instrumental parts that get me (especially on Led Zeppelin III, which is my favourite), since the guys try to come up with a different sound for each song. On the opposite end, I'm not a huge fan of Robert Plant's voice (he said as the hordes pieced together a cross upon which to crucify him). That being said, here is my list, in order, of the best to the weakest Zeppelin albums:

Led Zeppelin III
Coda (I know, I know... but I really liked Bonzo's Montreux)
Physical Graffiti
Led Zeppelin IV
Houses Of The Holy
Led Zeppelin II
In Through The Out Door

1 comment:

  1. Yeah well I'm not a fan of your voice either

