Friday, October 16, 2009

Panic! At The Disco - Pretty. Odd.

We're So Starving - 4
Nine In The Afternoon - 3
She's A Handsome Woman - 3
Do You Know What I'm Seeing? - 3
That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed) - 4
I Have Friends In Holy Spaces - 4
Northern Downpour - 4
When The Day Met The Night - 4
Pas De Cheval - 4
The Piano Knows Something I Don't Know - 4
Behind The Sea - 3
Folkin' Around - 3
She Had The World - 3
From A Mountain In The Middle Of The Cabins - 3
Mad As Rabbits - 3
Total - 52 stars / 15 tracks = 3.47 stars

This is my first time listening to a Panic! At The Disco album (technically this is a Panic At The Disco Album since they dropped the "!" during this period... it's back now, though, so don't worry). I know that there is a lot of comparison between these blokes and Fall Out Boy, and the way to tell them apart is that Panic! is better. Fall Out Boy is okay, with a few good hits (you'll know them because they're singles) but I get a stronger sense of credibility from Panic! While I have no way to support this, I imagine that Panic! puts on a better live show, too. Mainly, I know this because the Fall Out Boy live album is the darkest blemish on my library lending record.

I am fully prepared to receive death threats for this next comment, but I like this album because it's kind of late Beatles-y in that they experiment with some different sounds and instrumentation. It doesn't always work (the harpsichord-laden "She Had The World") but they're making the effort.

I also think the album is a bit too long. 15 tracks is too much novelty-sunshine-alt-pop at once, especially considering the trimming that could have happened. A better line-up would have been starting off with "We're So Starving" (which I liked for its honest communication with its audience), then moving straight to "That Green Gentleman," finishing up with "The Piano Knows Something I Don't Know". The rest is all padding.

1 comment:

  1. You don't like Behind The Sea or From A Mountain In The Middle Of The Cabins very much? Those are my favourite! Good review though, I totally agree with the part about them being better than Fall Out Boy!
