Taxman - 4
Eleanor Rigby - 4
I'm Only Sleeping - 4
Love You To - 3
Here, There And Everywhere - 3
Yellow Submarine - 4
She Said She Said - 4
Good Day Sunshine - 4
And Your Bird Can Sing - 4
For No One - 3
Doctor Robert - 4
I Want To Tell You - 3
Got To Get You Into My Life - 3
Tomorrow Never Knows - 4
Total - 51 stars / 14 tracks = 3.64 stars
I don't really have anything to say about this. I'm still a little scared to take on the Beatles critically. So, for now, I will give you a very short list of my top three Beatles albums.
3. Revolver
2. The Beatles [The White Album]
1. Abbey Road
I'm not a huge fan of the Revolver album... I tend to prefer Rubber Soul, but otherwise I generally agree with your top two. As my mom says: "Soul! Not guns."