Friday, November 6, 2009

Coldplay - A Rush Of Blood To The Head

Politik - 3
In My Place - 4
God Put A Smile Upon Your Face - 3
The Scientist - 4
Clocks - 4
Daylight - 3
Green Eyes - 3
Warning Sign - 3
A Whisper - 4
A Rush Of Blood To The Head - 4
Amsterdam - 4
Total - 39 stars / 11 tracks = 3.55 stars

I don't like Coldplay as much as I want to. They're a band with a vegetarian front man and a few songs that I love, but all in all, I just can't support them as much as I want to when I listen to an album. Both "Parachutes" and "A Rush Of Blood..." had moments of enjoyable tracks that I will likely listen to again, but nothing mind-blowing or spectacular enough for me to declare myself a fan.

My favourite thing that anyone from Coldplay has ever done is Chris Martin's appearance on "Extras." Funny shit, there.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I've never really been able to get into Coldplay. They always strike me as, like a number of British bands, trying to sound like Bono/U2. Radiohead was kind of like that, but they found their own sound along the way, and Coldplay has just never got there for me.
