Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Paul Reddick - Sugarbird

Morning Bell - 4
I Will Vanish - 3
Devilment - 3
Blue Wings - 4
John Lennon In New Orleans - 3
It's Later Than You Think - 4
Breathless Girls - 2
Wishing Songs (feat. Garth Hudson) - 3
Every Temptation - 3
Climbing Up The Hill - 3
If By This - 4
Block Of Wood - 3
Total - 39 stars / 12 tracks = 3.25 stars

I picked this album up for free when I was supposed to review it for my school paper. Then I forgot to review it. So, it's essentially stolen, and Paul Reddick never got the free publicity he was supposed to. Sorry, Paul.

The album starts off promisingly, with "Morning Bell" being a foot-tapping good time. The general enjoyment tends to drop off after that, with a few other tracks reminding you that you really wanted to enjoy it. "Breathless Girls" aside, every other song is nonetheless competent, and can be enjoyed, just not with the same kind of ho-down friendly fervour as "Morning Bell." That being said, if you had ever asked me if I could have ever liked a CD with birds on the cover and three songs prominently featuring accordian (or squeezebox, as we call it in the industry) I would have said no (and likely walked away slowly, because it's a weird question to ask someone). Paul Reddick has proven me wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Well, Dylanclark. As your elder and as one who has listened and relistened to Paul Reddick, I have to disagree. It's just not to your taste. It is to ours.
