Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Santana - Supernatural

(Da Le) Yaleo - 3
Love Of My Life - 3
Put Your Lights On - 4
Africa Bamba - 3
Smooth - 4
Do You Like The Way - 3
Maria Maria - 4
Migra - 4
Carazon Epinado - 4
Wishing It Was - 3
El Farol - 3
Primavera - 4
The Calling - 4
Total - 46 stars / 13 tracks = 3.54 stars

It's actually been a few months since I listened to this album, so please forgive if my review isn't particularly astute. For starters, "Put Your Lights On" is a brutal earworm. I loved listening to it, but even now, months later, every so often, its chorus will drill itself into my brain and take hours to come out.

The radio hits "Smooth" and "Maria Maria" are still enjoyable, even a decade later.

I'm not especially well-versed in Latin music, but I still know what sounds good to me. I assume that Santana has more Latin cred than I do, I can take his word for it that what I'm listening to is in some way authentic.

"The Calling" was kind of disappointing to me. I figured that a track featuring Santana and Clapton, two of the most famous guitarists in the world, would result in something a little more... orgasmic. It's still great, I just didn't melt like I wanted to.

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