Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pearl Jam - Pearl Jam

Welcome to the second and final day of our mini-Pearl Jam review-athon. Today's review's will be for Pearl Jam and their most recent studio album, Backspacer. Once again, let's dive right in.

It bugged me for awhile to figure out where I had heard "Life Wasted" before. It wasn't until the chorus the second time around that I realized that it was from Guitar Hero II. It's never been my favourite before, and even hearing it in its uncovered form, I have more enjoyed reading about it on Wikipedia than listening to it on its own.

"World Wide Suicide" hits its fever pitch at the chorus. When I heard it, I wanted to be hearing someone perform it at a live show so that I could sing along loudly. Unfortunately, doing that on the bus gets you funny looks.

"Parachutes" struck me as in interesting ditty. It's jauntier than I knew Pearl Jam was comfortable with. Then again, there's a difference between something being out of the ordinary and something being extraordinary. So I don't know if I am encouraging you all to listen to it, or if I'm outright recommending it. Either way, you'll hear it and make up your own mind.

"Gone" also straddles a line. Its chorus is juicy and manipulative, and if the song had any more of what makes it great, it would probably stop being so good. Let me put it this way: If "Gone" was even more "Gone"-ish, Pearl Jam would have to sell it to Finger Eleven.

After "Gone" is "Wasted Reprise," a slowed down reiteration of "Life Wasted" set to organ. It's more concise, and overall, a better song.

While not necessarily similar-sounding, I feel similarly about "Come Back" to how
I do about "Black" from Ten. By the end of it, you are just surrounded by sound and feeling.

The last track, "Inside Job" deserves your undivided attention. It's easily the best track on the album, and is the kind of song that you should listen to in a dark room, with headphones, so that the only thing that you are experiencing is the music.

Other Recommendations:


Rating: 3.8 stars

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