Monday, January 2, 2012

The Most Anticipated Movies of 2012

It's January 2nd, and yesterday's Movies of 2011 list proved quite popular, so let's continue the third annual tradition of talking about the 10 movies that I am most looking forward to this year. I realize that with it being so close to the beginning of the year, most of what I've heard about is big franchise blockbuster popcorn flicks but that's never stopped me before.

10) The Lorax - March 2nd

Posted below is one of two trailers I have seen for this movie. The first one (not this one) makes The Lorax seem like it's going to be a big mess of Seussian images, dumbing down its environmental messages for the sake of silly gags. This one, which benefits from its Polyphonic Spree backing, making it seem more like Where The Wild Things Are and less like Mars Needs Moms. But, even if it does turn out to be crap, I'm at least worried about it enough to care.

9) Wrath of the Titans - March 30th

I'm a little mad at myself for this one. I was immensely disappointed by Clash of the Titans but something is trying to make me believe that the sequel won't be garbage. I have a dim recollection of a Sam Worthington interview where he talks about using the opportunity to make an un-crap film but since I can't find it anywhere, there is a strong likelihood that it was in a dream.

8) The Avengers - May 4th

If you had asked me two years ago, this would be the easy number 1 or 2 on this list. Then Iron Man 2 happened. Then Thor happened. And while I hear good things about Captain America: The First Avenger I am pretty dubious of any post-Disney Marvel product. I know better than to expect magic from Robert Downey Jr. sequels and I know better than to put all of my eggs into Joss Whedon's basket but I am still hoping that this is the Thor's-lightning-in-a-bottle of awesomeness we all hope it will be.

7) Haywire - January 2nd

I have a tendency to like Steven Soderbergh movies more than most people (see The Limey and Contagion). I also fall for the dazzle of seeing the names of people who I enjoy in movies. Even after the Star Wars prequels, The Men Who Stare At Goats, and the dreadful Angels & Demons, I still believe in Ewan McGregor. I also have no reason not to believe in Michael Fassbender. And, add to that, the headliner debut of Gina Carano. All eyes are going to be on her to see whether this is a novelty act or the start of an impressive career.

6) The Amazing Spider-Man - July 3rd

The biggest concern with this one is the looming threat of redundancy. In such a well-established, and well re-hashed, mythos it remains to be seen whether there is anything left that is worth doing in a movie without beating you over the head with the same story in different clothes. We're going back to the origins, just like every incarnation of Spider-Man but I am hoping that fresh eyes will be able to inject something novel and worthwhile.

5) The Hunger Games - March 23rd

As the spiritual successor of the Twilight phenomenon, The Hunger Games sports a surprising credibility. People who have read it seem to legitimately enjoy it (or maybe I'm not paying close enough attention) and I'm intrigued enough by the trailer to want to see what all the hubbub is about. Even if it's the same kind of story we've seen before (The Long Walk as one example), it seems like it's sporting enough style and substance to be worth a look.

4) Men In Black 3 - May 25th

Say what you will about Will Smith and his absurdly profitable ways, there are few people I trust to entertain me more. I know I'm supposed to be skeptical and bitter about sequels but with a decade of CGI advancements and a long resting period since Smith has done something just plain fun, it seems like the perfect time for a return to the franchise.

3) Brave - June 22nd, 2011

I actually had this one at #2 until I watched the trailer for what has claimed the second spot. However, it's not Brave's fault. Brave *looks* fantastic. Say what you will about Disney and its monolithic destruction of all things childhood but when those cats team up with Pixar, they make some pretty awesome movies. Brave also gives you the extra pleasure of tying itself to an undeniably and, beyond The Secret of Kells, untapped animation goldmine with its Celtic setting. Even if it's crap, I'll have an awesome time just *looking* at Brave.

2) The Cabin in the Woods - April 13th

After what feels like years of waiting, it's finally here. The Internet has been talking about The Cabin in the Woods and the travesty of its being stuck on the shelf. If you haven't heard about it, that's okay. People are mainly excited because, even though it's not directed by Joss Whedon (although he is a producer and co-writer), it's his fanbase that's been screaming for its release. Throwing together a bunch of Whedon-verse actors, plus Chris Hemsworth and that too-pretty-to-be-real guy from Grey's Anatomy, all in a self-conscious horror movie, I have high hopes that this is going to join the ranks of movies like Evil Dead 2 and Shaun of the Dead.

1) The Dark Knight Rises - July 1st

No surprises here. I've got nothing but love for Christopher Nolan (even if I did like The Prestige better than The Dark Knight) and I simply cannot wait to see how this whole Batman thing gets wrapped up. I'm excited about the cast, I'm excited that this is a definitive ending, and I've also set a bit of a challenge for myself to see as little promotional material as possible. I haven't even watched the trailer below, so somebody please let me know if I've accidentally posted "Cake Farts" by mistake.


  1. You haven't read The Hunger Games yet and your wife is still //talking// to you?! Wow.

    This is going to be an expensive year in movies for me, due to my massive hard on for fairytale re-tellings. There's at least three coming out...

    I may have to join you on a trip to the theatre for a few of these. ^^ (Brave, Batman, Avengers...)

  2. You buy the Lorax and I'll watch it with you.

  3. The number one anticipated movie for 2012 is clearly The Hobbit. You seem to have forgotten it. Perhaps it is because you know it will be SO much better than anything else that you have left it out.
