Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Elton John - Songs From The West Coast

The Emperor's New Clothes - 3
Dark Diamond - 2
Look Ma, No Hands - 3
American Triangle - 3
Original Sin - 3
Birds - 3
I Want Love - 3
The Wasteland - 3
Ballad Of The Boy In The Red Shoes - 3
Love Her Like Me - 3
Mansfield - 3
This Train Don't Stop Here Anymore - 3
Total - 35 stars / 12 tracks = 2.92 stars

A few months back, when I was first trying to establish some credibility as a "music guy," I bought a whole bunch of albums at Value Village, by artists whose names I recognized. One of the ones I picked up was Elton John's "Greatest Hits." I thought it wasn't too bad, and took out a bunch of his albums from the library. I got a little over-zealous, and this is now the 10th of his albums I hve listened to in the last few months. This man's catalogue is huge, and except for the "Greatest Hits" (and even then) didn't really enjoy most of it.

The songs are competently done, without being particularly memorable, except in that ear-worm, you recognize it when you hear it in an elevator and then it takes hours to go away, sort of way. This is the last of the Elton John I got from the library, and having finished it, it's probably the last one I'll listen to.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog Dylan, I like what I see. You obviously take this seriously and you have some great opinions.

    Give me a shout if you want some stuff in some really obscure electronic genres (not the usual trance/club stuff). I'd love to hear what you think.
