Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Various Artists - Songs In The Key Of Springfield

The Simpsons Main Title Theme - 3
We Do (The Stonecutter's Song) - 4
Dancin' Homer - 3
Homer & Apu - 4
'Round Springfield - 3
Oh, Streetcar! (The Musical) - 3
Jingle Bells - 3
Springfield - 3
Itchy And Scratchy Main Title Theme - 3
Itchy And Scratchy End Credits Theme - 4
The Day The Violence Died - 4
Senor Burns - 3
The Simpsons End Credits Theme (Afro-Cuban Version) - 3
Your Wife Don't Understand You - 3
Kamp Krusty (Medley) - 3
The Simpsons End Credits Theme (Australian Version) - 4
The Simpsons End Credits Theme (Hill Street Blues Homage) - 3
The Simpsons End Credits Theme (It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World Homage) - 3
Treehouse Of Horror V - 3
Honey Roasted Peanuts - 3
Boy Scoutz In The Hood - 3
Two Dozen And One Greyhounds - 4
Eye On Springfield Theme - 3
Flaming Moe's - 4
Homer's Barbershop Quartet - 3
TV Sucks! - 3
A Fish Called Selma - 4
Send In The Clown - 3
The Monorail Song - 3
In Search Of An Out Of Body Vibe - 4
Cool - 3
Bagged Me A Homer - 3
It Was A Very Good Beer - 3
Bart Sells His Soul - 4
Happy Birthday, Lisa - 4
The Simpsons Halloween Special End Credits Theme - 3
Who Shot Mr. Burns (Part One) - 3
Lisa's Wedding - 4
The Simpsons End Credits Theme (Dragnet Homage) - 3
Total - 129 stars / 39 tracks = 3.31 stars

It's been quite awhile since I've actually sat down and watched The Simpsons. For me, the show acts as a foundation for my referential humour. As South Park has already stated, anything that can happen has already happened on The Simpsons. I prefer to see it as: Everything that happens has a relevent Simpsons quote. In a lot of cases, the musical episodes provide that little extra spice that makes existence extra nice. Oh wait, isn't that a song from a musical episode? I guess it was a little late.

Anywho, the album is fun for the snippets of songs that you may have missed. The billion or so different versions of the ending seem theme a bit superfluous, but they also make up some of the most musically enjoyable tracks (especially the Australian and "Lisa's Wedding" ones).

A lot of the humour for the songs depends on prior, existing knowledge of their context. If one were to hear any of them without understand which episode they are from, they're really just silly. It's only by knowing and loving the characters that one can get any kind of enjoyment out of the album. Even with an encyclopedic knowledge, the music (and dialogue snippets) still suffer without an episode around them.

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