Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Beatles - Let It Be

Two Of Us - 4
Dig A Pony - 3
Across The Universe - 4
I Me Mine - 3
Dig It - 3
Let It Be - 5
Maggie Mae - 3
I've Got A Feeling - 4
One After 909 - 3
The Long And Winding Road - 3
For You Blue - 3
Get Back - 4
Total - 42 stars / 12 tracks = 3.50 stars

Really, guys? What happened? Everything was going so well. Everything from Revolver has been so damned good. Why finish it off like this? Granted, there are is some serious redemption to be had with "Let It Be," with its long-tenured status as one of the greatest songs of all time, but you'd have to put out something like that to try and make up for the 40- and 50-second nonsense tracks ("Maggie Mae" and "Dig It").

As for the other good songs, "Two Of Us" is jaunty, cheerful, and bouncy. "Across The Universe" carries on the Beatles' tradition of engaging surreality. "I've Got A Feeling" is worth it just for the screaming chorus. "Get Back" has a better-than-decent hook, although its best moments are before and after the song, as the band engages in playful inter-banter. It's not often you listen to a music album and get to feel like you're there while it's being recorded, like you're part of the process. This is Let It Be's greatest success, on an album that, should the band have continued, might have been considered the beginning of an unfortunate downward trend.

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